


Photography Post-production Study Notes - Layers


Layers are a concept widely used in many design software, which allows for convenient composition, management, and adjustment of different materials.

In Photoshop (PS), the concept of layers is even broader, where even effects are considered layers. This allows for adding desired effects without changing the original image, such as curves, color fills, hue, saturation, etc. In a PS project, there are usually two basic parts: image layers and effect layers. The combination of these two parts can create dazzling effects.

In PS, layers can:

  • Link (maintain their relative positions)
  • Group (useful for organizing and managing large projects, ensuring a smooth workflow)
  • Adjust opacity (for blending different images)
  • Add masks (combine with the brush tool and eraser tool for selection and composition, which is the core feature of PS)
  • Merge (after completing a project, merging layers reduces space usage)

In summary, the purpose of layers is to orderly display different elements.

Today's Homework#

Today's exercise is to combine two images. The background layer is the guy wire of a wind speed tower taken in the wilderness two years ago, and the target element to be combined is a cable car from Unsplash.
Steel Wire

Cable Car


First, combine the images and then use the eraser to remove the large background areas.

Then use the magic wand tool to quickly remove the background, and finally, use the eraser with a smaller hardness to refine the details.




Control the size and position of the elements through free transformation (Ctrl+T).

Final Result#

Steel Wire

Exercise 2#

I've noticed that in recent years, there are many images with a lonely person in the middle of an open background. Let's try to create a similar image.
Rong Xue

Person from Unsplash

It looks a bit fake, but I can't pinpoint what's wrong.


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